06-20-2008 04:53 AM
Try looking at your endianess. LabVIEW is big endian and Windows is little endian. The flatten primitive should have an input for changing the endianess, but you can also use the type cast primitive if you don't like the results there.
Root Canal wrote:
Delightfully, the flatten to string function appears to scramble the bits into “noncontiguous” pieces
01:26 PM
- last edited on
12:53 PM
02:48 PM
- last edited on
12:53 PM
Thanks tst, you were right, I just had bitslexia. Attached is a vi that provides alternative readouts for extended precision numbers.
Mr. K, please include the numeric controls in your Correction Action Request. One may properly enter extended precision numbers into numeric controls, but the control reinterprets the entered value and displays a double precision value that does not accurately represent the entered extended precision value in memory.
06-23-2008 04:04 PM
06-23-2008 04:40 PM
07-18-2008 09:37 AM
This was reported to R&D (#117387) for further investigation. I added this post so that R&D could search the forums for this particular corrective action request. Thanks for the feedback.
07-18-2008 11:08 AM
11-17-2012 02:14 PM - edited 11-17-2012 02:31 PM
WTH is going on with "I have submitted a Correction Action Request (#117387) to fix this bug in a future version of LabVIEW (CharlesK, NI, 2008-06-23)"?
4 years and 4 LabVIEW versions later, LV is still unable to display extended numerics with more tjan 16 digits precision, AFAIK...
11-19-2012 03:01 AM
@X. wrote:
WTH is going on with "I have submitted a Correction Action Request (#117387) to fix this bug in a future version of LabVIEW (CharlesK, NI, 2008-06-23)"?
4 years and 4 LabVIEW versions later, LV is still unable to display extended numerics with more tjan 16 digits precision, AFAIK...
Hey, it's still a correct answer 😉
Don't trust your expectation if you get answers like this or:
a.s.a.p. (could still be not possiple)
before [chrismas, new year, easter, ..] (year??)
Quality is the moment where expectation meets reality 😄
11-19-2012 10:23 AM
I sent a PM to CharlesK, who seems to still be working at NI AND reading these forums (if not participating a lot)...