05-04-2015 05:58 AM
Im have been reading something about this in the forum and it looks like this cannot be done.
I then tried to get around this by switching the visibility of the different plots but was thinking that someone might have a better way to do this.
I attach my test VI and I would appreciate any comments and suggestions to make it better. As it is now it does not scale that well so any ideas are appreciated:)
05-04-2015 09:31 PM
What are you trying to do? What are the requirements? How many different images do you want to (selectively) view? I've worked on an application that included 24 channels of image acquisition + 24 channels of data sampled at 10 Hz. At any one time, we choose one of the 24 "stations" and up pops an image from the chosen camera + a chart (or are we using graphs?) of the analog data. Is this something like what you are trying to do?
Bob Schor
05-04-2015 10:12 PM
05-05-2015 01:56 AM
Sorry for the Duplicate Post,