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enum case structure display ..

Is it possible to turn off the shortened display of case structures with enumerated values, where a selection of more than two consecutive array values is displayed as Enum n .. Enum m.  This is great for numerical displays -> 1 .. 4, but not for enumerated values.  Thanks.
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Message 1 of 5
I am kinda confused do you have an array on enum or do you just have an enum?
Harold Timmis
*Kudos always welcome:)
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Message 2 of 5
here is an array of enum's
Harold Timmis
*Kudos always welcome:)
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

JimboH wrote:
Is it possible to turn off the shortened display of case structures with enumerated values,

No, it's not possible as far as I know. Since enum items are ordered, the shortened display contains all information and is of course sufficient.


You would need to edit your enum such that items that share cases are not adjacent to each other, but that seems silly. 


Maybe you can order the items in your enum more logically, so related items are adjacent. For example if you have an enum as follows: [Init, begin, middle, end, cleanup], a case with "begin".."end" would make it quite clear that it includes the "middle". 😉

Message 4 of 5

Yeah, I thought about reordering the cases.  I actually have a set of menu options and I am using the strings property of the enumerated constant to display the menu options.  Reordering the values would mean reordering the logical grouping of the menu options, unless I shuffled the strings property output to put the options back into order (what a mess!).  Thanks for the suggestion though.

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Message 5 of 5