03-13-2012 07:28 AM
when i try to resolve the error 1047 using the solution finded in LabView website: so i try to reregister the ActiveX components using the command prompt but when i Enter matlab -regserver
at the prompt ,it will appears this message error:
"unable to set registry value for CLSID{72B7.......}.you may not have sufficient privilege.RE-run matlab as user with administrator access."
please,could you help me to resolve this pb.
03-13-2012 08:11 AM
Please do not ask the same question multiple times without even bothering to read the response from people who are already trying to help you or even replying with an answer. That's considered rude.
Provide your comments in the original post: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/error-1047/m-p/1910611