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error 229771 DAQmx create task internal MIG error

Receiving error 229771 @ DAQmx create 2, internal error in MIG software.  not start task. - for a simple ThermoDAQ read application


reinstalled drivers, attempted to start NI configuration mgr and Device loader but they are immediately stopped-  disabled anti virus, etc.   help?

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Hi eremark,

There are a few things we can try to troubleshoot error 229771. This error can occur if NI services are not running and occurs when LabVIEW tries to communicate to these non-running services. It can also occur if you have a corrupt MAX database. There are a few things we can try


1. Can you please try verifying if NI services are running?

2. Can you check if you are administrator of your PC?

3. Do you know if DAQmx was installed under an administrator account?

4. Have you tried disabling your firewall?

5. Try removing all DAQ devices, restarting your computer with them removed, shutting down the computer again and connecting them back up. 

6. Did you repair your daqmx drivers or reinstall them? It is important to make sure you do a true reinstall ( instead of repair which will force overwrite anything from previous installations

7. Try repairing a corrupted MAX database 


Please let me know if you have any questions or need any clarification with any of these troubleshooting steps. Thanks


Doug W

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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