01-09-2010 05:21 AM
I'm new to labview and I'm trying to make a data logger that will record corresponding analog amplitudes
on a turning disc/shaft with 1 degree accuraccy.(360steps per revolution) The speed will not be more
than 2200rpm which makes 36,6 Hz(13200 pulses per revolution)
Each change in the state of encoder will trigger the second loop(acqusition).
What I need to know is that the second loop(trigered by the change of encoder)executes more than the
first loop.
At the moment there is no encoder nor ADAC, DAQ etc. So, I made VE.vi acting like an encoder and for the
analog signal, I used a random number generator.
When I increase the frequency of Ve.vi the iteration count of second loop exceeds that of first ones.
Secondly, please compare Event_a.vi and Event_b.vi . In my opinion both do the same job so what's the
use of event structure?
Thanks in advance for your feedbacks.
01-11-2010 03:46 PM
Hi Oguz,
If you're trying to communicate between two loops, triggering the second from the first, then you should look at producer consumer type structures in File»New... under From Template.