01-03-2015 09:08 AM
01-03-2015 09:56 AM
Hi smilegv,
Would you please be more specific. Also it will be more helpful If you attach your vi.
01-03-2015 12:36 PM
This is an interesting way of doing things -- I'd say it was "backwards", but that's just my off-the-cuff reaction. A more common way of handling this is for the Main routine to pop up a Dialog VI (or a simple Two-Button Dialog Box) asking the Yes/No question, and if No, the Main exits, while if Yes, it does whatever it is supposed to do.
But you want the Dialog to execute the Main, yet have the Dialog exit. You can, in fact, do this (I think). Have the Dialog ask the Question. If the answer is Yes, you need to start the Main running as a separate, independent process. I'd suggest using Start Asynchronous Call (and Forget). In any case, whether or not you start the Main, simply have the Dialog exit, which should have it "go out of existence". If it still persists on your screen (looking like a stopped VI), look at its Windows properties and make sure that it is set to Close on exit.
01-03-2015 12:45 PM
01-05-2015 07:11 AM
You will also want to use the VI Invoke Node's Front Panel.Close method.