11-30-2023 11:34 PM
I am using the LabVIEW for finding the displacement form the accelerometer signals by performing integration, but when i am recording the displacement signals, it is aligning with the time step data number intend of aligning with the time steps.
I am sharing the block diagram where i am using the DAQ assistance for taking the data from the accelerometer and laser sensor. can you please help me to correct it.
thank you.
12-01-2023 12:55 AM
Hi imran,
imran@97 wrote:
I am sharing the block diagram where i am using the DAQ assistance for taking the data from the accelerometer and laser sensor. can you please help me to correct it.
We cannot edit/run/debug images in LabVIEW.
Even more when those images mainly show ExpressVIs…
12-01-2023 02:19 AM
I am attaching the VI file. here I am using the accelerometer and laser sensor and performing the double integration for finding the displacement form the acceleration signals, I am also using the curve Fitte block for removing the ramp from the integrated signal.
from this I am getting the displacement, but that displacement is aligned with the data point not with the time steps that i am giving to the integration block. I want to get to be align with the time steps.
12-01-2023 11:44 AM - edited 12-01-2023 11:45 AM
So you are reading some data, subtract the mean, double integrate using some crazy Rube Goldberg construct, subtracting a 5th order polynomial and expecting a reasonable value for the double integral of the data? IMHO, there are too many cooks messing with the raw data.
Can you show us some typical raw data?
(Most non-beginners typically stay away from express VIs and dynamic data. I am sure this could be done right without any express VIs with code the size of a postage stamp. Why not place all traces on one graph? Why maximize the diagram and front panel to the screen?)
12-01-2023 12:26 PM
12-01-2023 11:34 PM
@altenbach wrote:
See if this can give you some ideas....
That's a pretty big postage stamp. 😄