01-27-2014 02:22 AM
hello i am student of m.tech [vlsi] from akgec ghaziabad. as NI excellence center is here so i am doing a project "fpga based multiple channel analayzer for industrial application in induction motor failure detection." using labVIEW.
in this paper i want to measure the real time vibrations using FPGA. and as i am vey keen to work with labview so i want to continue this work at ph. d level also. in my college NIsbRIO 9632 and NI accelerometer is available. i will use FPGA module and real time controller from this kit.
so i want to asked you is it suitable kit to do my project??. as i heared that to make the VIs for FPGA implementation is very tough tasks. so is it a tough project at m.tech level???.
please guide me.
01-27-2014 04:11 AM
more M.Tech students at AKGEC…