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ftp putfile timeout 56

Hello all,


I am quite a newbie with Labview I am having problems using FTP getfile VI with big files and a slow connection. I am getting the 56 error (user system timeout), but I do not find how to change the timeout value.


As the high level VI does not allow changing the timeout value I tried to use the intermediate FTP VIs. However, it seems that changing the timeout value in the OpenConection VI(the only one with this input parameter)  does not have any effect in the timeout while transferring files. It seems as if this value is only used when starting the TCP connection but not later.


Afterwards, I was searching in the labview help how to change this value and I found that the there was TimeOut directive that can be changed in the Internet Toolkit configuration file. But I was not sure if this includes the FTP connections and also I am not sure about where the file is. Labview help does not specify neither the path nor the name of this file, and the only similar file I found was the:   .\labview2009\internet\internet.ini file, but adding the “TimeOut=value” line does not have any effect.


Can someone explain me where are the FTP VIs obtaining the timeout value from? As the 56 error description is “user-specified or system time limit error” I thought that this value should be adjustable by the user in Labview, but, am I wrong? Should I change it in Windows? Or is it related to the network or FTP server?


And finally, the strangest thing is that, even if I get the timeout error, the files seem to be correctly received. Anyway we do not want to have this error appearing as the sender will be always thinking that something might have happened and neither do we want to filter it because sometimes the error maybe caused by a real failure in the network.


I would be very grateful if someone could help me. Thank you very much!



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Message 1 of 2

What's the exact location of the error? You should see the subVI chain in the "source" of the error out.

The FTP VIs are not protected, you can watch their code, watch the guilty one

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