I apologize if this is covered elsewhere. I understand how to make an array (build) in Labview.
Where I'm confused is .. let's say I have a big while loop and when the operator presses a button I want to peform some function, (sequence). then finish, then end up back so it can be done again ..
If I needed an array, where would this be created? Before the while loop? If so, let's say the sequence filled the array. then i used the data and was finished.. The next time the operator clicked the button, I would want to clear the array and refill it.. re-use it, etc..
If I put "initialize array" into the sequence, does it keep creating a new array so I would run out of memory? Or is it better to initialize the array at the beginning of program run and keep it "open" for use?
Not sure if this is clear. The examples show building an array by just wiring the output of a while loop. Does this have to be done every time some piece of code is excecuted?
Here's my basic function.
While loop waits for operator to press button
Operator presses button..
Test is performed and data is put into an array of multidimensions. some text some numbers (if this is possible)..
format is "Time/Date", Number, Number, Floating point number, Number, Number..
After the array is filled. (Not sure of the exact size, it will be different every time) I will manipulate the data and do some other stuff to the numbers.
At that point I will write all this data into a csv or space delimited file.
Then I want to be back at the starting point. But what just happened to my array data and what happens to it on the next iteration?