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generate a signal point by point from a formula

Hi everyone,


Im new to Labview and im learning to use it for my DSP course. I have been trying to find a way to generate a signal point by point from a formula but it seems i cant find it.


Does anybody have any idea about it?



Hung Chu

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Message 1 of 8

Try using function


\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\vi.lib\measure\masignal.llb\Sine


At output you will be getting a start time to, delta t and corresponding all y vaules. From this you can build the two array of t (time) and corresponding Y

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Message 2 of 8

Thanks Fuzzy,

But I mean from a specific formula to generate a point by point signal. In my case the formula is cos(wt)exp(-(t^2)/(T^2))

T and w can be set to be a constant.

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Message 3 of 8

All you need to do is to generate the array of t values. This can be done a variety of ways. You could use a loop, or you could use one the many signal generation functions, depending on what t is suppose to be. It may be that the simple Ramp Pattern will suffice to give you the required array of t values. Then just wire up the array through a bunch of primitives to get your formula.


For example:


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Message 4 of 8


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Message 5 of 8

Then simply auto-index a for-loop and put your FFT pt-by-pt inside the for-loop.

Message 6 of 8

It showed me the result instantly. It's not like point by point.

My real onjectives are getting the signal point by point then FFT it every time a point is acquired so I think the graph should be continuing to move until i stop it.

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Message 7 of 8

Then put a delay in the loop so you can see it "point by point". It's doing it point by point, but it's so fast that it appears to you that it's not.

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Message 8 of 8