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giving pulse to stop stepper motor


i am working in a project using labview 8.2 which  tracks the sun using stepper motor based on equations.


once the program will be started, it'll assume that  the solar panel which will rotate by the motor is in east direction so based on the date and the time it will rotate till it finds its correct position. it moves with steps 24 hours which is waste of power so i want to modify the program such that it will stop at night and again start rotating the day after.   


i was wondering if you can please help me


Looking forwaed to recieving from you


<i have attached my program with name stepper motor in the folder>

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Message 1 of 5

Hi Monireh,

it's a very interesting project. Can you please explain where you have problems?



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Message 2 of 5



Actually I don't know how to stop the motor at sunset till the next sunrise and at the sunrise I'd like to move it automatically from east.


I was wondering if you can please help me in this manner


Looking forward to recieving from you

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Message 3 of 5

Hi Monireh,

do you already get the signal for sunset and sunrise? Which of your indicators show this information?

How do you control the motor? Is it already implemented?


Try to help.



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Message 4 of 5



Actually i have a circuit which translates the pulse from labview to the motor. if it is necessary i can attach this circuit.


looking forward to recieving help from you

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Message 5 of 5