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hidden components on the block diagram

I am experiencing an odd feature which may be related to an attribute of the Navigation window resizing which I am not aware of; when block diagram is larger than a certain size, components - for example, input nodes of the Timed Loop - do not show up whilst they exist and are wired! when I manage to resize and compact the loop to a smaller size, or otherwise relocate it more to left, the hidden components show up! what is this all about?
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Message 1 of 10

Hi Siamak


I hope you're well. I've just replied to another post of yours a minute ago. I've been taking a look at this as well and have a couple of things I'd like to check with you. In what way do the terminals appear to be missing? Is it white space where they should be or are they cut off the side of the block diagram, out of sight? Again, can I check which version of LabVIEW you are using?


Kind Regards

Jeremy T
Technical Marketing
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Hi, yes, there is white space instead of the component if that component is located beyond the certain dimensions of the whole block diagram, connection to such 'hidden' component is correct and also hidden, when the mous epointer hovers over it, it is selected as any other, but not shown, unless I somehow locate it within the certain size, for example by dragging and dropping it on somewhere further left.

I now know how to avoid the automatic resizing of everything on the block diagram due to to resizing a timed loop, but above issue is regardless.



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Message 3 of 10

Hi Siamak


Thanks for getting back to me and thanks for the further description of the issue.


How large is this VI you are using? The block diagram has a maximum size of 2^16 pixels. If you're are exceeding this size you may begin to experience odd behaviour. Take a look at KB 3JEEP7ZH, which also contains an example VI you can try. Does this sound and look like what you are seeing?


If this doesn't explain the issue, could you please let me know which version of LabVIEW are you using? This will allow me to check whether there are any known issues associated with that version. Also, if there is any chance you could attach the VI in which this is occuring I may be able to replicate the issue here.


I hope this helps!


Kind Regards

Jeremy T
Technical Marketing
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10
thanks, but apart from Show Grid, I cannot find an easy tool to measure up the limits of my VI, which is not actually huge, but rather large, a quarter of the navigartion window...
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Message 5 of 10

When you grab the scroll bars to move around on the window, a small tip strip shows up below the bottom center of the window and gives the coordinates of the upper left corner with respect to the panel (or BD) origin in pixels.  It is not an exact indication of the size of the the panel but give you a good idea of how far away things are.



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Message 6 of 10

Hi Siamak


I'm not aware of any way to obtain an exact size of the block diagram in pixels but I shall take and look and let you know what I find.


Were you able to run the VI attached to the KB I linked? If so, was the behaviour exhibited there the same as what you see in your own VI?


Kind Regards

Jeremy T
Technical Marketing
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10
What happens in you get the block diagram image? The image should have the size information.
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

What altenbach is pointing at is not uselfull for on the fly 'Word Count' style understanding of the size, it is useful in a different way.

the size of my VI spans between 2299,-6147 and 14873,-992, therefore the overall size and bounds are good below the limits.

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Message 9 of 10



Thanks everyone for your input and insight. It seems odd to me that you would be experiencing this when you do not reach the borders of the block diagram. Are you able to run this VI on any other computers to see if it behaves the same way? Also, if possible, could you post the VI on the forum so that I can test it out? It would be very useful for me to replicate the issue here. Have you ever noticed this in previous VIs or is it only in this one?


Kind Regards



Message Edited by Jeremy T on 06-26-2009 06:13 AM
Jeremy T
Technical Marketing
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 10