Just having lvrt.dll and the resource files (rsc) isn't enough: copy the following files & folders into the folder containing the exe:
..\National Instruments\shared\nicontdt.dll
..\National Instruments\shared\nicont.dll
..\National Instruments\shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\ver\* (including all sub-directories)
There are a few things that, depending on whether used by your app, may not need to be included. For example:
..\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\ver\Errors
Converts and displays LabVIEW errors to the user. If you don't have this directory, errors may be displayed in a non-sensical format, or even not at all. Note: if you have custom error files (like xml onesyou've created, then put them in here).
..\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\ver\models
These are the control/indicator models - have alook through the directory, and remove those that you don't need.
..\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\ver\PlugInControls
Remove anything out of here that you don't need (eg: image control/indicators, etc)
..\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\ver\script
This is where interfaces to Matlab, HiQ and the like are kept - delete them if you don't need them
😄 ..\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\ver\lvjpeg.dll
..\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\ver\lvpng.dll
If you're not doing anything with jpegs or pngs, then you don't need these either.
That said, if you're using 7.1, then there's a whole bunch of other files in the ..\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\ver\ folder - just have a look at the names and experiment a little