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how concrete two diffrent type data for writing to Excel file?



I want concrete two diffrent type data for writing to Excel file. how can i do it?

actually, I want save numeric data, like level of reservoir in 24 hours along with it's date. example:

                            1           2            3              4

24/10/2014        50        70          49          49 



type of date and levels are different. in addition, Excel should be support this combination in the same time.

is there any idea?



Best Regards.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Your best bet is to save to text file like the attached.


When prompted, save the file as somename.csv.  Double click the resulting file and Excel should open it as you need.

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Message 2 of 5

tnx Zwired1

my data in labview are Independent from text or excel. do u know how can I concrete them at first?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5
Concrete -

Do you mean concatenate? For an array, you must use a common data type. Convert the numerics to strings and build the array with the date/time strings.
Message 4 of 5

Time to Exell can be found here


BUT, in your case I would use a *.tdms file

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 5 of 5