11-16-2014 08:10 PM
Hello! I'm a student and I'm currently making a project using pattern matching.
My patterns are from chick foot/feet.
I'm created multiple pattern matching VI's to detect all the feet because I find it difficult/impossible to match all the feet with a single pattern/template.
However, when using multiple pattern matching VI's some pattern matches detect the same foot, hence overlapping.
So how can I make the overlaping pattern matches to be counted as one?
Thank you in advance 🙂
11-16-2014 08:33 PM
I imagine you are getting 2D information (pixel #'s, array indexes) every time you get a "match". Keep a 2D array of counts, initialized to zero and the same size as your array of possible locations, and increment the value every time you get a match. If multiple pattern matching attempts result in a match a given location in your count array might be "3" but all you care about is if the number is greater than zero.
11-17-2014 03:32 AM
Thank you for replying Sir Zwired1.
I'm still a newbie in using LabVIEW so pardon me if I can't understand fully
The objective of my project is to detect all the feet through pattern matching and count the pattern matches made.
"Keep a 2D array of counts, initialized to zero and the same size as your array of possible locations, and increment the value every time you get a match. If multiple pattern matching attempts result in a match a given location in your count array might be "3" but all you care about is if the number is greater than zero."
I'm sorry, but how do you do this? BTW, I'm using vision assistant.