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how to convert excel file to txt ?

C'mon Felipe!

That's just RUDE to create a duplicate post - and so soon after the 1st post.


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CLD; LabVIEW since 8.0, Currently have LabVIEW 2015 SP1, 2018SP1 & 2020 installed
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Message 11 of 14

Ok, this is an ironic answer - so don't take it personal - but it fits to your question:


You could unzip your xlsx file (since an xlsx file is a zip-File in the first place). That leaves you with a bunch of xml-files that can be counted as txt-files. Problem solved. Smiley Frustrated


Regards, Jens

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Message 12 of 14

And here a hopefully useful answer:


As already stated by other you could use one of these options to read you excel file (besides others):

  • Report generation toolkit that comes with LabVIEW.
  • Have a look at the ActiveX examples in the NI example finder
  • Have a look at some of the toolkit in the VIPM like XLR8 or Claudie_xlsx.

All these will allow you to read in an excel file. A conversion to a txt-file should be pretty easy once you have the cell-data inside of LabVIEW.


Regards, Jens


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Message 13 of 14

Hi Felipe, 


Check the solution of this old forum. 


Excel and Labview


Hope it helps. 

Isabelle Orlandi
Engenharia de Aplicações
National Instruments Brasil
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Message 14 of 14