03-08-2012 10:58 AM
I was wondering if there was any possible way , when using the NIVison line profile, to get information on the actual position of each and every pixel the line profile used for its intensity values. Because i am using line profiles to reconstruct an image and i am getting pretty bad aliasing!
03-13-2012 06:18 AM
Hi Big_Al,
The Line Profile function is based around the IMAQ Line Profile VI, which takes a two parameters; a reference to the image we want to analyse and the co-ordinates of interest. It returns Line Information, the Global Rectangle, and our main value of interest, the Line Graph.
The Line Graph
This is a standard LabVIEW waveform cluster which is made up of three components: x0 (The initial x position of the selected line), dx (The increment value, which will default to '1' as we can't have half a pixel/two pixel voids in images) and finally Pixels Line which is an array of the pixel values we receive.
Now, since we know the start position of the line (x0), we can simply iterate through the Pixels Line array to grab these invidual values per pixel. For example, if the line was five pixels long, Pixels Line would be comprised five elements. The first (0th) position in the array will be the x0 pixel position, then after that we'd have the x0+1 pixel value etc.
Using this information, we can infer the positions of each of these pixels.