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how to export eeg simulatiion on labview through ni elvis 2 hardware and display them in the digital oscilloscope

hi, everyone 

i've a problem. Currently, i'm using NI Labview 2012 SP1 with Biomedical toolkits,  NI ELVIS II Hardware, and digital oscilloscope. My problems is export EEG simulation signal of Labview  within supporting  from the Biomedical toolkit through NI ELVIS II hardware and display them on oscilloscope.  

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Message 1 of 4

Hi Horus91, 


I don't understand what you are experencing trouble with. Could you please be more specific or rephrase your question?



National Instruments
Staff Certification Engineer
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Message 2 of 4

sorry for my language,

i need to display EEG signal that i created in Labview 2012. This signal from Labview show on Scope, before it have to pass NI Elvis ii hardware. i mean that the inital signal on labview run out  through usb cable to Ni ELVIS hardware to process, and after that i display it on Scope. but i dont understand how to setup in the Nielvis when i use the prototyping board. Please tell me, what's port in prototyping board for output signals and what's port for input signals? Tell me how to setup on Prototyping Board of ELVIS to display signal on Scope. Thanks

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Message 3 of 4

Hi Horus91, 


I think this KB article may have the information you are looking for. Please let me know if you have any further questions.



National Instruments
Staff Certification Engineer
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Message 4 of 4