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how to make a vi for extraction of respiration rate from each using RWA(R wave amplitude), RWD & RWA*RWD Method

I m a student of biomedical engineer. i m working on the project of extraction of respiration rate from ecg signal using RWA, RWD &RWA* RWD. but i didn't get solutions

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Message 1 of 4

How much LabVIEW experience do you have?  Do you have a LabVIEW Mentor (someone on the BME faculty with LabVIEW expertise who can help you with the basics)?  Have you availed yourself of all the LabVIEW Tutorial material (see upper right corner of LabVIEW Forum's first page)?


Are you using NI's Biomedical Toolkit?


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4


actually i worked on labview project and i know the basics of labview. i read all the labview tutorial and also working on my BE project based on labview. but i don' t know related to develop a vi based on EMD algorithm for the respiration signal derived from the ECG signal. so that i request you to help my project.

i actually know the starting of VIlike read the path from the manmade DAQ. so after the filtering part how to design EMD algorithm related logic.

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Message 3 of 4

Well, probably 99.5% of the World's LabVIEW programmers have no idea what the EMD algorithm is.  Sometimes when you have a difficult software problem, it can pay to follow the old adage, Write the Documentation First.  [You'll probably need to do this sooner or later for your BME degree, so why not now?].


Start by describing the problem.  What are the inputs/signals?  How are they acquired (and at what rate)?  What are you trying to learn or compute?  What algorithms are known for doing this (or how might you go about developing one)?


From what you have written, some of this I can guess.  You are recording EKG (how? sampling rate? filtering?) and want a respiration signal (derived from parameters of the EKG considered as a time series?  Derived from electrophysiological changes of the cardiac potentials (amplitude, for example) during the respiratory cycle?  From additional electrodes?


Once you've described (in words) the inputs, how do you use these inputs to get the answers you want?


Now you are ready to start thinking about programming this up.  You will have defined the parameters for acquiring the signal(s) and should also have begun specifying some of the processing you'll need to do.  All that is left is to implement it in LabVIEW.


Or, as I tell my mentees, "Figure out What you want to do, don't worry (yet) about How you are going to do it".


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4