06-20-2011 08:18 AM
how c an i make the output from the bundle on my vi show on the xy graphy ( THE AI INPUT on the y axis while the frequency on the x-axis) immediately the lab view program stops. pls help.
fin d attached my vi
06-20-2011 08:30 AM
Like this. You just need to enable indexing on the output from the while loop.
06-20-2011 09:02 AM
thank u so much aeastet, it is working, but can i ask you a question. i want to be able to see all my reading once the lab view stops but for now i only see three values when i export to excel sheet. how can i do this. what i mean is i am using the shift register with a starting frequence of 10hz and once the 10hz enters the case structure is muilplied by 10 an d the ouput frequencuy is now 100hz, an d the next frequency will be 100 multiply by 10 which is 1000hz. how can i see all the alues of the frquency with the corresponding voltages
06-20-2011 09:38 AM
So your x is voltage and the y is frequency?
06-20-2011 09:56 AM
06-20-2011 10:09 AM
I think I would try something like this. You also need to add a wait in the for loop so that you do not overload the processor
06-20-2011 10:30 AM
thanks aeastet, i tried it, this time around no value at all ( wait time is 1000ms)on the waveform graphy and the export to the excel sheet. find attachement
06-20-2011 10:33 AM
I noticed that you are multiplying your frequency by 3 every time through the loop. Why are you doing this? It is causing your while loop to stop after just a few times through.
What are you ultimately try to do here?
06-20-2011 10:42 AM
thanks, i am actually using the multiplication factor to increase the frequency from 10 to 10000000hz(1MHz), which the the last frequency i want to stop taking the reading
06-20-2011 11:37 AM
OK I did not see what you were doing. I think that this one is closer. Let me know.