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how to pause output waveform cDAQ

I have this VI where I am outputing a waveform to my cDAQ


I would like to now implement a way to pause the waveform automatically.


My approach so far is to generate a 'pause' waveform in line with my output waveform.


on the 'pause' waveform are the point(s) at which I would like the output to stop (msg box to continue or stop)


this is how far I am now as I cannot figure out a way of now using this waveform as a pause trigger.


any insights would be much appreciated.

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Message 1 of 4

Hi sherzaad, 

When looking at how to do things there are always so many ways, but it depends on what you are really looking to do that is going to determine what approach to take, so I have a few questions: 
1 - What sort of waveform are you trying to output 
2 - Why do you want to pause it? 

3 - What are you trying to output when you pause it? e.g the same value as it was when paused or 0

4 - What causes a pause? Is it you interacting with the code, or is it programmatic, time, number of samples etc? 

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Message 2 of 4

Hey Sherzaad,

You might be able to use the pause trigger functionality to solve your problem. In the picture that I have attached you can find a snippet of the VI I developed showing the trigger property node. As a test I have given the source for the pause trigger as a digital level on one of the PFI lines. Since you want to use another waveform to control when to pause, simply change the source and type of the trigger (you could export your control waveform to a PFI line). I have attached the complete VI as well in case it comes in handy. 

Hope this helps!

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Message 3 of 4

Hi Sherzaad,

Just following up, were you able to find a solution to your problem?

If not, please share additional details regarding your work; include the following:


A brief description of your goal

The modules being used in cDAQ

The VI you have developed if possible

Labview version and device drivers you are using


The reason I am asking is that the VI I have attached might not work the module(s) you have.

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