02-19-2015 02:47 AM - last edited on 02-19-2015 02:26 PM by dcarva
I have program that controls 2 flow controllers. I set a certain flow and they change the flowrate of the gas. Now I would like to save this flow that I am using for each flow controllers and the time, so I can keep track of at which time during experiment I had this flow of gas nr 1 and gas nr 2.
Is there a way to do this?
I am a niewbie in LABVIEW. I have tried looking at youtube and tried different write to file funtions but its not working. At best I get an txt file with 3 colums name that I give each coulmn but no data following. ie,.
nitrogen methane time
Can anyone help?
02-19-2015 03:45 AM
You can use File I/O functions from Block diagram function pallet. You can choose file option from it depend on your file type i.e. Text, CSV, TDMS, etc.
I think as per your GUI you should go with CSV type file where you can easily write and read data from LabVIEW.
Where ever you are taking reading of gas flow just after it you can arite data in to file with time stamp. Its not much complex task, you can do it easily by exploring LabVIEW functions.
02-19-2015 04:03 AM
How do I get the present time in hh:min:ss to be saved in the text file?
02-19-2015 07:13 AM
@Hologram wrote:
How do I get the present time in hh:min:ss to be saved in the text file?
You can use the Get Date/Time String or, if you really want to dig into some fun stuff, use the Format Into String function.