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how to use multiple visa read in one program


i am working at Hameg HM8143 power supply i want to measure voltage and current simultaneiously and use the measured values for further calculations. for this i used two visa read blocks.

>>>>>>the measured values are shown in the same visa read string however i want it to be shown sepetately,

>>>>>>One of the VISA read block gives error. so i want to know how to use VISA read to get current and voltage simultaneously in seperate strings

>>>>>>than how to convert strings to numbers  for using them for my calcultions.


i am attaching screen shot as well

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you can not use a single serial to send 2 commands simultaniously?

There is a single serial line so one command has to be before another.  This doesnt mena that you can not read from 2 seperate threads but will have to ensure that there is a locking mechanism to make sure that your queries are atomic.  In labview encapsulating all communications can be done with an action engine which will allow for concurrent execution with automatic blocking of your resource (serial device).


Paul Falkenstein
Coleman Technologies Inc.
CLA, CPI, AIA-Vision
Labview 4.0- 2013, RT, Vision, FPGA
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