04-11-2010 06:23 AM
I am using Labview with a NI DAQPad-6015 to measure temperatures (4 thermocouple channels) and control via a duty cycle (at constant pulse frequency).
The VI I built contains a sample clock for setting measurement rate and an implicit timer to drive the "pulse frequency counter output".
In this way, the measurement rate is slowed by the implicit timer (I guess, as the measurement VI alone runs with the properly timing).
How to overcome this matter?
Thanks in advance
04-11-2010 06:56 AM
04-11-2010 07:19 AM
here is the VI I built for acquisition and control.
The bottom loop acquires and sends signals, while the top loop averages measurements and write all into a file.
Freq_duty_cycle.vi allows me to change on the fly both frequency and duty cycle of pulse.
HBridge.vi is the control for a H bridge I drive to invert current direction to a load.
04-11-2010 12:54 PM
The acquisition program (attached here) runs good, the addition of the digital output slows very much the acquisition.
I think a different way to arrange these items would preserve the acquisition rate I need (1kHz).
However, what is the way?