05-15-2012 02:37 PM
Hi ,
I am CLAD certified and experence in handleing only one large Labview project (Labview project was developed by other person).But still i am not confidence in developning new project , i feel like doing big project but i am not getting starting point/not confident enough,
how to increase my competency level of increasing Labview skills.
is there any dialy updated where i can follow or should i do more and more examples.
please replay.
05-15-2012 02:58 PM
Congatulations on your CLAD Cert. I Wish everyone asked such a clear question!
You have a LOT of resources available to you. Just a few:
And Have FUN
05-15-2012 11:11 PM
Jeff adding to your point ( missed )
05-16-2012 07:15 AM
05-16-2012 08:38 AM
Ah.. Jeff you have made an overall statement and covered everything ( I wondered how you missed it but really you din't) :). Anyhow my reply would help the person to search and make a bookmark in his browser
05-16-2012 09:03 AM
Don't forget the Large App Dev Group: https://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/large-labview-application-development
05-16-2012 09:29 AM
A critical piece of acquiring confidence is experience.
It is very important that you use LabVIEW on a regular basis. What has helped me learn various computer languages is "Challenge projects".
I selected Challenge Projects that gave me sometihing that I really wanted and demanded more skills than I had when I stated them. By the time I completed them I was confident to the extent of my challenges required.
So find a project you want to do and will challenge you.
Ni allows you to use your LV License on your home machine so schedule yourself at least one night a week and stick with it.
Ask us when you get stuck.
Have fun,