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increase point size on XY graph

I am using an xy graph as feedback for test subjects who are doing a tracking task in an MRI scanner. The plot displays two points using a cirlce for one and square for another. The standard sizes available on the legend line width options result in points that is too small. Is there a way to increase the size of the points beyond the largest line width?

Many thanks,
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Message 1 of 6
What is your LabVIEW version?
With newer versions you can use image drawing commands on the plot area.
Open the example finder and have a look at e.g. the example "Graph Plot Area".
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6
I am running version 7. I did a search and didn't find the example you suggested. I am guessing that means that my version is too old for this method?
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Yes, you need at least 8.0.

You could draw circles explicitely, e.g. a described here:

You would still need to tap a few property nodes (draw area size, axis ranges, etc.) to make sure they are always circular.

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Message 4 of 6
The other option with 7.x is to use the picture control to draw the xy graph. There is a shipping example called XY Multi Plot. It has options for drawing connected squares or connected circles. Buried a couple levels down is a subVI called Draw XY Data. In there, there are a couple of subVIs that draw the actual circles and squares called Draw Oval and Draw Rectangle. By changing the parameters passed to these functions, you can make the circles and squares any size you want.
Message 5 of 6

I had just stumbled upon these subvis when I got your message. With some messing around I got exaclty what I needed and learned a lot about what labview is actually doing behind the scenes. Thanks for the info.

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Message 6 of 6