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 Hi all,


Im new to labview and am not sure how to perform the correct integration of a signal. The problem i have is that after integration the signal is offset by a value. I know this is due to the antiderivative of the function is the sum of the antiderivative plus a constant C. I tried to remove this offset by measuring the dc value and subtracting it. The problem is that the resuslt is a scalar value and not a waveform. The integral of a sine signal should give me -cos +c signal and i just want to remove the constant c and obtain the -cos waveform. Which VIs should i be using?

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Message 1 of 3

How exactly are you doing this? You can always get the waveform components, do your math on the data and then build the waveform back up again with the other components that you acquired before. I would request that you post your VI, so we can help you better.

Adnan Zafar
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Coleman Technologies
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Message 2 of 3



Thanks for your response. I am just taking the integral of currents and voltages signals i capture from a motor.

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Message 3 of 3