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is it possible to install labview 2012 in windows XP

I had a labview 2011 64 bit version but its not get supported by the windows XP system. What i have to do to overcome this problem.

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Message 1 of 11

Install the 32 bit version of LabVIEW. You can use the same activation key.

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Message 2 of 11

How can I convert a code wrote in labview 6i to labview 2011 format. When I run it, it's not running in labview 2011. So please me to convert it to labview 2011. I'am attaching the code wrote in labview 6i

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Message 3 of 11

@Sartaj wrote:

How can I convert a code wrote in labview 6i to labview 2011 format. When I run it, it's not running in labview 2011. So please me to convert it to labview 2011. I'am attaching the code wrote in labview 6i

Hi Sartaj Post it in Version Conversion Board

Silver_Shaper | CLD
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

@Sartaj wrote:

How can I convert a code wrote in labview 6i to labview 2011 format. When I run it, it's not running in labview 2011. So please me to convert it to labview 2011. I'am attaching the code wrote in labview 6i

First of all, this is a new question and has nothing to do with installing LabVIEW 2012 64bit under windows XP, so please start a new thread elsewhere.


This is also not a conversion question, because, according to the compatibility matrix, LabVIEW 2011 can open LabVIEW 6i VIs without problems. If you get errors running under 2011, it means that you are missing a driver, module, or toolkit, or are having programming or configuration mistakes. Maybe errors are exposed because your new computer is much faster than your old computer.


OK, I am looking at your code now and it does not look very expertly programmed, with uninitialized shift registers, wires flowing in all directions, and arrays growing without bounds. Maybe you need a small wait between serial write and serial read? (same for the GPIB IO). Maybe you should only append data to your array if data has actually arrived? Maybe you should not append to file with every iteration, even if no data has arrived? Maybe you should handle errors more?


Who wrote this program? What is it supposed to do? As a first step, you probably should replace all your old serial functions with the modern VISA tools.


What is the meaning of "it's not running"? That can mean many things! Is the run arrow broken or not? If it is broken, what does it tell you if you press it? If it is not broken, are all controls configured correctly before you run (e.g. file path, address string, wait, port number, etc.)?Is the GPIB instrument connected? Is the serial instrument connected? Do you get any errors? Your loop termination boolean is switch action, so make sure it is ON when you start the program.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

what all you asked is right, the program is wrote correctly and working in labview 6i well. But is 2011 the visa is only seeing there is no serial port. We had installed the driver. But then also it'sn ot working well. So the conversion forum means what. So to convert this program to labview 2011 base I had sent it, so if you can convert it and give it

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

As I said, you don't need to convert. You need to fix the code so it works correctly in 2011. Is the hardware different? What kind if serial port do you have? Did you change to the visa serial tools?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

This one is interesting! 

@ OP first after opening your code in LabVIEW 2012 I pressed Ctrl+U. (Albeit with My custom non-default config settings [By george I think I've found it])



A few things jump right out:

  • The "dead code" 12 constant
  • The wrong mechanical action of "Boolean" (replace it with "latch when released" ar just a "Stop" button that has that default MA and invert the stop condition of the loop)
  • the USRs that Altenbach mentioned (Just right click create constant on them to initialize with empty arrays) 
  • The lack of data dependancy between the loop that uses the serial port and the initialize serial port code (Do something to enforec that the port is initialized before the loop starts
  • no delay between serial write and read so you are almost always going to read 0 bytes of response to the last write because that is what is at the port (the remote device might not have even gotten the written data yet when you request the number of bytes at port) Move the time delay into the sequence between write and get bytes at port


OP it is safe to ignore the info below just thinking out loud for others..........

Here is one case where the optomizer may have exposed a fatal code flaw that might have been previously overlooked.  (Hmmm. looking at Z order [ in the past the LabVIEW compiler could be tricked into working from back to front but I digress....] the init serial port is in front of the loop and the stacked sequence is behind the GPIB write constant... {really nuking it out the optomizer would have migrated that string constant and flow would change}.)







"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

yes i had installed the visa tools for labview 2011.then alo its showing an error. i'am using  rs232 serial port. i think i cleared your doubt

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

@perumpadapu wrote:

i think i cleared your doubt

No, you did not!


You said you installed the visa tools. Did you also replace the serial VIs in the code?


What kind of serial port do you have? A real one or a USB-serial dongle? Did you add a small delay between write and read? What else did you modify so far based on our suggestions?


"its showing an error" Is a completely useless statement, because there are millions of possible errors. You don't call your doctor on the phone and tell him only "it hurts" and then explect him to make a full diagnosis and find an instant cure!

Please describe exactly what you are doing and quote the exact error you are getting! If you get error popups, show us a picture of them!

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Message 10 of 11