04-08-2009 08:22 PM
I am using this VI(attached below) to control keithley 238 using labview 8.6 through a NI-GPIB-USB HS adaptor. This VI sweeps the voltage from "start voltage" to "stop voltage" in increments of user programmable number of points. The VI then records the current measured by the keithley 238 , for each voltage point, in the form of a graph as well as a table.
I typically use 1V per point. So initially i sweep from 1V to 10V though 10 points, and it works very well. However at higher values, like 1V to 60 V, if i put in 60 points, i dont see any current data measured and recorded. If i put less points, say 30, it works.
Once it doesnt record data, which happens if i put more points, the VI stops working completely and i must restart it again.
Could you please help me out with what is wrong and what should i change.?
Regards and thanks
04-09-2009 05:59 PM
10-21-2012 10:51 PM
Dear poli,
Did you get the serial polling to work at the end of sweep?