04-27-2016 04:53 PM
I connect a kikusui PLZ 164 WA With PC via USB, using sample code:"Kikusui PLZ 4W Series Setup.vi".
But "Error -1074000000 occurred at KIKUSUI PLZ 4W Series.lvlib:Error Query.vi" occured.
Do you know how fix it?
04-28-2016 09:00 AM
First, it sounds like this question might be better suited for the instrument control message board. I'll try and help out a little bit here though.
That error is a generic Instrument Driver error as shown on this page. A quick google search for "Error 1074000000" (remove the quotes) will also turn up several results. if you search "Error -1074000000" (without quotes) you'll turn up nothing useful as Google will look for everything that does not contain the number 1074000000.
I read through a couple of the forum threads that showed up and it appears this may be an issue with the firmware of the PLZ 164WA