03-10-2015 10:23 AM
I have a quite larger set of applications that need to cooperate for a specific project, say a 'generator', an 'analyzer' and a 'reviewer'. Each of those applications does work when opended as vi inside the project and each of those do build when using their respective build spec. But especially the building of an installer takes quite long, so I tried to select 'Build all'. This however returned an error after many minutes with 'Build status (not responding)' stating that one of the components (the 'analyzer') was not executable:
"The build was unsuccessful. Possible reasons: 'Cannot complete build because following VI loaded broken: C:\...\Analyse.vi'. Open the VI in LabVIEW and fix the listed errors. The window showed some members of NI_matrix.lvlib as being broken, for example:
Broken VIs:
- NI_Matrix.lvlib:Add (Elementwise) - C,CM.vi:
This VI claims to be part of a library, but that library does not claim to own this VI.
Type definition not found or contains errors
Type definition not found or contains errors
SubVI is not executable
But when I open analyser, it opens without problems. And when I search for the Add node, it is not even found in Analyser?!
And again, when just building Analyser, it works out OK. Confusion!
Any ideas on what caused this and how it could be avoided? It would really help no to press <Done> every now and than, but instaed having a complete build of all specified settings.
03-10-2015 11:49 AM
OK, The offending vi is deep inside vi.lib.
This means someone did something bad like edit a vi.lib library! Try a repair of the LabVIEW install (That should fix all problems with vi.lib) Then make vi.lib Read Only and don't go doing that again.
03-11-2015 02:33 AM
@JÞB wrote:
OK, The offending vi is deep inside vi.lib.
This means someone did something bad like edit a vi.lib library! Try a repair of the LabVIEW install (That should fix all problems with vi.lib) Then make vi.lib Read Only and don't go doing that again.
Jeff, thx for your hint.
I am the only one who could have caused this. And I am not aware that I could have done it. And I am using LV for decades, so I think I know that this is a no-go.
On the other side, when building any of the different build specs _alone_, it works OK. It is running into that error just when building all. That confuses me and creates a little doubt in your hint - I have no understanding what makes the difference between simple build and build_all, so that a hierarchy loads or not just depending on the way it is build.
Also, I checked the modification dates for the complete vi.lib and it is consistent with LV intsallation on that machine.
Anyway, I can do my builds, they work and I only have to avoid build_all. So I will not change a running system without a need.
Thanx anyway!
Greetings from Germany!
03-11-2015 11:45 AM
One addition:
I can select the builders for the application and it builds as expected.
Seems to have something to do with creating installers...
03-17-2015 08:14 AM
@JÞB wrote:
OK, The offending vi is deep inside vi.lib.
This means someone did something bad like edit a vi.lib library! Try a repair of the LabVIEW install (That should fix all problems with vi.lib) Then make vi.lib Read Only and don't go doing that again.
Jeff, allthough I did not really 'trust' in your suggestion, finally I did it yesterday.
Unfortunately this did not help, but made it even worse.
The very same project, committed to svn and updated on a different machine, worked out well today. So I assume there is something wrong with the installation, that can not be fixed by a repair install.
I have opened a support request to NI Germany today. We'll see...
Thanx again for your suggestion, though!
Greetings from Germany!
03-18-2024 05:47 PM
Funny thing - I'm doing work on an old LabVIEW 2013 project. There are 4 build specs in the project. I can invoke any two (by selecting both and clicking 'build') and they always work. I can select any one and they always work. I can select one or two at a time and build all 4. But... if I select 'build all' I get an error about the FIRST vi in the build that fails stating it's broken. It isn't. I'm guessing this is an Application Builder 2013 bug....