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labview and amcharts

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my English is bad
there is an icon called Measurement write to file, but i do not know how use it

tdm nose generates files but if this file can be converted to xml

if you realize if you can see the code in xml, but apparently is not as xml files that have amCharts

I am an engineer in electronics and computer do not know much


here leave the amcharts file

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 30

You are not generating the XML file in the format that's required. You can't just give it an arbitrary format. The web site clearly documents the format of the XML file. The examples also have several XML files that you can look at to see the format. Is there a particular reason why you want to generate XML? Why don't you just generate the "CSV" format, which can be done quite easily. 


Did you actually write that VI, or did you get it from someplace else? It looks like an example VI, though I'm not sure which one.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 30

there is no special reason for using xml


yes is a example from labview
if you can help me to create a VI  where  make a csv file

for example, a VI where we can move a knob and that these values are stored in a csv file

you have been very kind, thanks

0 Kudos
Message 23 of 30
Attached is a simple example that generates a delimited text file, along with a web page that holds the amChart control. Note:the web page loads the control from the "amline" folder that resides in the same directory as the web page. That amline folder is the same folder as what you get with the downloads from The path to the control is specified in the HTML code for the web page.
0 Kudos
Message 24 of 30

I test the file and let you comment as I run

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 30
you worked?

because I run the program and open the page "index" and I get the bottom of the graph but not the data, ie it seems that I get the template but the data graph

no data graphs
0 Kudos
Message 26 of 30
are the x-axis values
but do not appear axis values and
it happen?
0 Kudos
Message 27 of 30

yeah, is working !!!!
only is  modify in labview %.0f
because if you not modify this parameter not work
i put h how separator but you can leave same form

the image of plots it's here


Now I just need to detect the variations of the knob when moving, bone precione not have to "add" or press "save"

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 30
Accepted by topic author covenan

The VI as I had posted generated a data file that was loaded into amCharts correctly. It appears based on your picture that your decimal point is a comma instead of a period, which is what is used in the US.


I don't quite understand your last sentence. Are you asking another question there? Can you say that differently?  Try posting in your native language. Perhaps someone can translate, or we can try Google Translate.

Message 29 of 30



si es otra pregunta, lo que pasa es que quiero hacer que el programa siempre este grabando los datos y que en lugar de precionar el boton "add" se guarde automaticamente.




Yes is other question.
i try do the following
i try make a program that don't waiting that  press the botton "add"  for save the data measurement

and try  do a program that  save continuously, not need press the botton save.
you can help me?

en español: Muchas gracias
in english: thanks very much
0 Kudos
Message 30 of 30