01-02-2025 10:26 PM
First i converted vi file to exe file ,so i can run automatically the exe file and give input.
I'm sending config data, input data , operation data from python to labview and it is receiving through TCP/IP and writing it in config.ini file and then im opening that config.ini file and read it through readkey.vi block and then it does loopback test on stm32 board.
but im getting error in "visa configure serial port" arg4. I dont understand the data im sending is in proper format.
this is how data is being written in config.ini file:-
baudrate = 115200
parity = 0
stopbits = 10
inputdata = arshad
operation = loopback
i have attached the vi file and python file to it.
Please help me!
01-02-2025 10:28 PM
this is the error im getting.
01-03-2025 02:29 AM
Is the hardware you're trying to communicate with turned on?