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labview interfacing with 8051 microcontroller

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hi i am new to labview and as being part of my project i want to interface 8051 microcontroller with labview.what are the basic things to be consider in this.i want to display sensor data on labview as microcontroller in between.

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Message 1 of 4

8051 Microcontroller - (80031) is like any microcontroller  has a UART port for data transmission belts in this case will be the RXD (P3.0), TXD (P3.1) inputs, you can program for a teleoperated automata receive such characters (commands address)

In Labview to make a program using VISA to enter characters on the serial port these characters will be read by the microcontroller and ations to respond with motors controlled by pulse width modulation PWM

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Message 2 of 4

Hey there

You could go for an inbuilt/separate programmer and maybe a 16x2 LCD module , 4x4 Matrix keypad , a single channel ADC , L293D H-bridge chip and serial port with max232 grade chip for serial communication.

Hope this helps, pardon me if I got it wrong though...(Just a beginner here)


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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by crossrulz

Unless there is some reason you have to use the 80C51, you might want to consider a more modern microcontroller like an Arduino. As there are labVIEW libraries written for the Arduino and other modern microcontrollers called LINX


Other than that like Carols said the 80C51 has a serial UART so communicating with it is not different than communicating with any other serial device. In fact is should be easier as you are also programming the 80C51 so get to decide on the communication specifications, what kind of data, and what data format it will have.

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Message 4 of 4