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Hi homies

i am new to labview ,and i am working on an assignement which i have done part 1 and 2 of it but i am completely stuck on the 3rd and final part of it .

i would appreciate if i can get some insite on how to aproche it. here is the assignement.  

Specification 1 (60%)

To design a VI that will identify the number of thin values and display as a percentage of the total number of samples.

The front panel must have the following:

An array of controls holding the sampled values.

An indicator holding the percentage of thin values.

Specification 2 (80%)

Thin values tend to appear as sections or patches along the length of the cable i.e. values of less than 1 mm stored in successive array elements. To design a VI that will meet specification 1 and will also calculate the number of these thin patches. The front panel will now have an extra indicator to display the number of patches.

Specification 3 (100%)

To design a VI that will meet Specification 2 and will also be capable of detecting and displaying the start index and the length (number of successive elements less than 1 mm) of each thin patch.

as i said i have manage to do spec 1 and 2 


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Message 1 of 13


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Message 2 of 13

Thread started here for anyone who wants to read more details on this question.



Wasn't the information in the original thread enough?

Please post messages with more meaningful subjects.  The subject of this entire message board is "labview"!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13


i asked for some help but i didn't understand your message or rather what you wanted exactle from this message you sent me

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13



You obviously have a homework assignment.  We do not get the grade nor the degree.


So, you are going to need to work to earn your grade!  most of us would love to help.  What did you not understand from the other thread?  Post to that thread not this one.  It keep things in context for posters that "Help often"

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13

HI Jeff

first of all i do appologise if i did hurt your feelings in any shape ,way or form.

like i said i am new to lab view and i just got back to study after a long and troublesome period , i am 47 years old ,i don't have any degree and i am dislexic .

for the last couple of years i decided to do somthing with my life ,and that's why i am here today trying hard to understand labview, that's all .

sorry for my ignorance and i won't be posting or asking or in that mater bothering you and your coleageus anymore.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13
Accepted by topic author pipouz

@rezarougi wrote:

HI Jeff

first of all i do appologise if i did hurt your feelings in any shape ,way or form.

like i said i am new to lab view and i just got back to study after a long and troublesome period , i am 47 years old ,i don't have any degree and i am dislexic .

for the last couple of years i decided to do somthing with my life ,and that's why i am here today trying hard to understand labview, that's all .

sorry for my ignorance and i won't be posting or asking or in that mater bothering you and your coleageus anymore.


Enough with the sob story.


Jeff is one of the most helpful people here.

He is trying to help.


Being dyslexic does not mean that you are incapable to construct sentences with proper punctuation such as capital letters and periods.

Message 7 of 13
Accepted by topic author pipouz

First its "LabVIEW"


I'm 47 too


Nor have I ever attended collage.


You will learn more trolling the forums for fun than anywhere else by design.  You have not offended me (Yet, I'll let you know if you doSmiley Very Happy )  


but when you reply to maybe a couple of THOUSAND threads per year, It is appreciated that the Original Posters stick to consice threads about limited topics.  Or I need several thousand threads in memory over multiple years.


I'm not too old for that trick just yet,  But I'm not the only one helping out here- and I do not get paid for it!  So, a bit of charity for a fellow old man?

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13

Hi jeff 

its me again , i did say i won't be bothering you guys since it seems i upset few people yesterday,by not knowing what i was doing ,how i was asking things and which forum i should have been in to ask what i was asking.

well my apologies again , and i just wanted to remind you that i was not asking  for the answer to the assignement ,i was just asking for some insite on how to aproche specification number 3 since i have done n1 and 2, however after long  hours i did manage to get specs 3 .


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13

i was not asking for the solution nor the grade ,i was just asking for some insight on how to aproche it

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 13