11-17-2009 05:55 PM
11-17-2009 07:32 PM
One way is to save with the option "preserve hierarchy"... this way, only used VIs will be saved to the new folder(s).
Nevertheless, beware of dynamically called VIs, dll etc. you might have to manually copy them to the folder(s).
Hope above make sense in one way or another 😉
11-18-2009 05:21 AM
I had written a tool once to compare 'all VIs in memory' with all VIs inside a project-root directory. On the one side to get all unused VIs (but it didn't recognize dynamically called vis), on the other side to find dependencies/cross-linking to other projects. It isn't too complicated to code a tool like this and you might find other use cases as well.
02-18-2015 08:09 AM
This works beautifully!
Accounts for dynamically called VIs. I have attached the code as well (free distribution is allowed but it cannot be sold)