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minor issues in message about failed builds

Attached is an example project showing two minor issues with messages about failing builds (because of broken VIs).

Demo Funny Message shows some place holders (%s) in the text. This looks easy to fix. (Message printed below.)
Demo with disabled VI... shows that also failing VIs which are in disabled code (and therefore not included in the build) are listed in the message.

Example message when building Demo Funny Message:

Cannot complete build because following VI loaded broken:
C:\Path\to\anywhere\Demo Funny
Open the VI in LabVIEW and fix the listed errors. If the VI loads as expected but errors are still detected during the build, contact National Instruments technical support for assistance.
- Demo Funny
Contains unwired or bad terminal
You have connected %s to %s.


And also a compliment: Failing Inline VIs are also listed as failing VIs.

(It is much better than before LV12 anyway. See in this idea about build message when failing.)

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Message 1 of 2

Thank you for your Feedback. I have created a CAR (#411940) about this issue.



Message 2 of 2