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modulation toolkit installation

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I'm trying to install the Modulation Toolkit (MT) V4.0 for LV 8.6.1 and I'm running into issues with the palette menu. The digital modulation palette menu does not appear anywhere after installation (not under addons or the rf communications palettes). The physical VI's for the digital modulation functions are located in the program files folder but they don't appear in the LV palette menu's. Also, when I try to open the phsical files, Labview asks for missing subVI's so I'm starting to think something is really messed up with the toolkit installation. 


For background, I'm running LV 8.6.1 PDS with spectral measurements toolkit (SMT) V2.4 also installed. I've uninstalled, deleted, and reinstalled the SMT and MT directories several times but I still can't get the palette menu or the digital modulation VI's to function properly. Also, I've uninstalled all previous versions of Labview just to make sure there were no Labview version conflicts. Has anyone else run into this issue with the modulation toolkit and do you know a fix? I would prefer not to have to reinstall all of Labview 8.6.1 but if that turns out to be the easiest option then I guess I have no choice.


Thank you,


Tim S.

Tim Sileo
RF Applications Engineer
National Instruments

You don’t stop running because you get old. You get old because you stop running. -Jack Kirk, From "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall.
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Message 1 of 6
Hi Tim,
I have a few questions for you about your current installation situation that may help narrow down the issue. First I would like to point out that there can be some differences in the results of installing the Modulation Toolkit depending on what drivers you currently have installed. I have included a link to a KB that describes the process in more detail, but essentially the toolkit will see what is installed already and install the examples for the necessary components.
Are you completely closing and opening LabVIEW after completing the install of your toolkit? Once the toolkit is installed LabVIEW will need to close and open again to repopulate its palette. Can you post a screenshot of the files and folders that exist under <LabVIEW>\vi.lib\addons\Modulation after the installation is complete? Do you see the Analog section of the palette in LabVIEW? I am also curious to know what subVIs are missing and if they able to be found if you let LabVIEW search for them upon opening.
This does not sound like an issue with LabVIEW, but with the installation of the toolkit. Let us know what additional information you can so we can help. Thanks! 
NI-RFSG, NI-RFSA, Spectral Measurements Toolkit, and Modulation Toolkit - Installation and Examples 
Steve B

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hi Steve,


After I install the modulation toolkit I've usually been restarting the PC just for safe measure so LabVIEW is repopulating the palettes. The Analog palette does show up correctly in the palette menus but the Digital one does not. As for the subVI's missing, that was when I went to "Select a VI..." and browsed to the Digital Modulation VI's but LabVIEW is not asking for the subVI's anymore so it must have found them.


Just in case it helps, these are the following versions that I'm working with:

  1. LabVIEW 8.6.1 
  2. NI-RFSG 1.4
  3. NI-RFSA 2.1
  4. Spectral Measurements Toolkit 2.4
  5. Modulation Toolkit 4.0 (Although I noticed in MAX that Analog Modulation is 4.1 and Digital Modulation is 4.0 and they appear as two separate items)
And out of dumb luck, I've installed everything in the order that NI recommends in the knowledgebase article you gave.


Here is a screenshot of the Modulation directory:



Thanks for the help,


Tim S.

Tim Sileo
RF Applications Engineer
National Instruments

You don’t stop running because you get old. You get old because you stop running. -Jack Kirk, From "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author TimS.

Hi Tim,


It seems that everything was installed correctly, so I am not sure exactly why this didn't populate automatically. I think we should try manually adding this to the palette. I included a link below which will describe this process in more detail, you will want to reference part 'V. Icons or Palettes Missing'. You will want to add the Digital section to the palette by pointing to the correct .mnu file that is located in the Digital folder. I included an image of where my .mnu file is located as a reference. This should work for you, but please post back and let us know how it goes or if you have questions. 



Missing Icons on Functions or Controls Palette in LabVIEW 


Digital Modulation Directory.png 

Steve B

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6
If the version 4.0 was made for an older version than 8.6.1 the installer sometimes get confused and put the files in wrong folder. Take o look in the \Program files\National Instruments\ perhaps you will find a folder with a previous version name. It could be that your files are placed in this folder

Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
(Sorry no Labview "brag list" so far)
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6



Thanks for the link to the KB article. I was able to successfully add the Digital Modulation subpalettes to the functions and controls palettes. I'm still not sure why it installed incorrectly as all the files were in the correct physical locations. The one thing I did notice is that the Analog palette is pointing to "Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\menus\Categories\RF Toolkits\Modulation" for it's dir.mnu file. There is an Analog subdirectory within this path but no Digital subdirectory.



Coq rouge,


As a safe measure around that issue I uninstalled all previous versions of LabVIEW and removed their directories. I did read some other forums about the Modulation toolkit not installing correctly because of being put in the wrong LabVIEW version folders. I had no need for the older versions of LabVIEW sticking around.


Thanks for the help everyone,


Tim S.

Tim Sileo
RF Applications Engineer
National Instruments

You don’t stop running because you get old. You get old because you stop running. -Jack Kirk, From "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall.
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Message 6 of 6