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mouse over

Dear Amir

I made a brief search in the internet in NI site there is a solution

"Save to Previous Version Available"

but it seems you should save your codes in previous version because you have v. 9.0


Have a good time

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 21



My labview is an old ver ( 8.2.1) amir uses ver. 9.

Is there anybody how can save this as a previous ver ( 8.2.1 ) he attached a zip file ( mouse ).

I need this file it is emergency  

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 21

Hello thisisit,

My LabVIEW crushed several times trying to downgrade this VIs...



0 Kudos
Message 13 of 21

There's a bug in 2009 where you can't save a VI with an event structure to a version earlier than 8.6. It can be saved if the event structure is removed.

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 21

Hi amir


I think you saw proven note about saving event structure in labview of old versions.

Is there any way other than this EVENT ???? There are samples in labiew I have tried them I mean getting mouse position setting it to a fixed point reading the new position and saving the new position in a file but I can t get same results in same tests for example I got 50 cm instead of 35 but I can measure 20 cm exactly as 20 cm I can't understand what is wrong white my codes I have tested 3 or 5 codes for this purpose 😞


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 21

The SubVIs attached for 8.2.

You can build the event structure by yourself, it is not a very complicated task.

Look at the image attached to one of the previous posts and do exactly the same.


Good luck,



Message 16 of 21

Really kind of you man

thanks again I am checking your code and checking if the result are OK or not some kind of calibration i wish it work

I found some thing surprising about the mouse sampling rate the  odometer mouses sampling rate is something about 40-60Hz and the laptop pad's sampling rate in about 100Hz but the external optical mouse is above 400Hz i ( some thing around 450Hz) at least the one I checked I moved the mouse and record the event and time of the event for optical mouse it is about 2ms 😮


really thank you

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 21
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 21

I feel awful 😞

I think a don know anything about labview

I can't understand part of the code and I have problems with events:(

the best result of mine is by the attached labview code ( do like to take a look at it of course it would be kind of you

in this code I save changes of the position in an arbitrary file then find the sum of the changes by excel but this is not the problem

I can't convert pixel moved by mouse to centimeters you can try this by a simple test measure 3 distances on a paper by mouse moving for example 5cm, 10cm and 17 ( let it be nonlinear ) you can fit a curve to distances and pixcels sum in the excel file and there you can find a relation between pixels and distance then try an unknown distance let it be a bit longer may be 37cm now by using the linear relation between pixcels and cm you got by excel check if the length measured by the mouse is the same as it is measured by ruler it may takes few minutes



0 Kudos
Message 19 of 21

I must learn some basics in order to do any programming.

You can use the tutorials, examples and books. Start with simpler tasks.


Good luck,


0 Kudos
Message 20 of 21