I have a My-Rio 1900, and i want to grap images from a usb cam, and show it on a web page that myrio will host.
first i thout, easy just add a webservice that give you a jpeg picture when request the page.
never got that to work, since i realised that if i had multible uses they would each get a dirrent picture, and i never got it to work.
So i thougt what if i insted have a program run that graps the images, and saves one every sec as a jpeg and have a public html file where i link to the picture. then all useser would get the same picture and my load on the myrio would be less.
i then first tested it on my computer and it worked. but when i then wanted to go from my computer to myrio i encountered a problem, since to make a public folder on your projekt you normaly right click and add a web service, then you right click agian and say add public folder and you then need to select a folder.
but how do i select a folder on myrio? i added a flash drive also, but i can´t select myrio as public folder. i can select things on my computer but not local....anyone have a sugestion?
i know how to mount drives but i do not expect that i first need to mount thoug a ftp my local myrio and then in windows tell that is my public folder....