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network published shared variable issue

Hi all,


I have 2 VIs running. I have created shared variables for the communtication for them. I have used shared variables plenty times before but not on LV2010 until now. They are working fine as long as they are single process variables, but eventually the VIs will run on seperate PCs and I'll require network published variables. As soon as I change to network published, I get this error at every read and write of a variable.


Error-1950679035 occurred at shared Variable 
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW:  Unable to locate variable in the Shared Variable Engine.  Deployment of this variable may have failed.
I have gone through as much on the knowledge base as I can on this and haven't found a solution for my problem. Why is it that the variable's can be accessed fine as single process, but not as network published. I have turned off my anit virus and windows firewall, but that did not help.
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Message 1 of 4

1. Where is your shared variable engine (SVE) located ?

2. If the SVE is running on your PC(localhost) move the library file under MyComputer in your LV project.

3. Check the state of the SVE with the Distributed System Manager (DSM).

4. Are you able to setup the process and variables manually via the DSM ?


Hope it helps




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Message 2 of 4



To echo Christian's questions and thoughts, I would double check to make sure that the variable library is properly deployed.  You can right click on the library name and select "Deploy All".  Then, in the Distributed Systems Manager, you can check on the status of your shared variables.  You said that you have already done some research, but I'll post a couple links below that you may or may not have already seen that could be useful.


Hope this helps!




Joe S.

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Message 3 of 4

My apologies, I thought I had replied here already. MY solution was multiple attempts at deploying the library. I deployed, tried again, deployed, tried again, moved the library onto a different host, then deployed, moved the library back to the original location and deployed and wham it worked and hasn't given a problem since.


Thanks for all the responses. Much appreciated

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Message 4 of 4