12-18-2015 10:02 AM
hi - i'm trying to limit the ability to type a number into a numeric control. i want the following option to be controlled by a second Boolean button input:
if the boolean button TRUE, i want the numerical control on the front panel to allow the user to type in a value OR use the increments/decrement buttons
if the boolean is false, i want the numerical control to only allow the user to change the value via the increment/decrement buttons and NOT be able to enter a value directly to the numeric control.
this is similar to using a property node to disable the numeric control, but i only want to disable the ability to type in the value, not disable the increment/decrement buttons...
any thoughts?
12-18-2015 10:23 AM
12-18-2015 10:25 AM
You can always make you own and with your own logic (e.g. make the increment/decrement seperate buttons and hide the original ones or even wrap it all into an xcontrol.
12-18-2015 01:14 PM
thanks for replying. i was thinking something along these lines as a brute force way, but just wanted to see if i was missing a feature in the numerical control properties. i will pursue this... thanks again....
12-19-2015 11:35 AM
could build an xcontrol for this as well, with a property that you can simply turn on and off the the numeric input. The X-Control will hide the transparent element blocking numericentry, you can then reuse it in your UI as a standard replacement for any numeric input, but with an additional property to control its numeric input True/False.