06-05-2019 12:22 AM
I am using C ++ dll wrapping in C #.
The CAN module uses the USB-8502.
My problem is that I get an error when reading the ReadSession using the nxReadFrame () function.
It may or may not read Frame well.
The error code is -1074384704 in decimal and 0xBFF630C0 in hexadecimal.
This error code is defined in the C ++ header file as follows: :
public const UInt32 nxErrInvalidPropertyValue = (NX_ERROR_BASE | 0x0C0);
What does this mean?
06-06-2019 11:17 PM
That error means a property value was out of range or incorrect.
and the recommended solution is specifying the correct value.
I'm not sure which value is incorrect in your configuration but you should check how to use nxReadFrame function.
that function is described in NI help