09-26-2012 12:15 PM
I am trying to build something where I can click a button and have someone observe an object moving at various speeds. Any ideas on how I could use a button on the computer control the stop and start of an object? Are there an VI's out there for this?
09-27-2012 05:51 PM
There are plenty of VIs that are designed to send and receive data and/or digital signals. LabVIEW includes several example VIs on how to communicate with hardware. You may want to look at this other forum thread that has examples and a description of the hardware set up.
How to find moving object/target displacement (how much X, how much Y) using a USB camera in an acquired set of images?: http://forums.ni.com/t5/Machine-Vision/How-to-find-moving-object-target-displacement-how-much-X-how/...
Isaac S