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offsetting multiple plots in a waveform chart

I'm trying to overlay multiple plots on a single waveform chart and I'm wondering if there is a quick way to add a small offset so that I am able to view all of the plots easily (so they don't block each other out)? I know I could do a for-loop over all of the elements in the array that go into the waveform chart, but I'd prefer a quick option.



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You could create multiple y axes and range them differently, but that seems messy.


How many plots do you have? What is the datatype for the chart? Can you show us some simplified code?


Typically you don't need a FOR loop. For example if you feed a cluster with 5 scalars, you would simply add a cluster containing 0,1,2,3,4 in the desired cluster order before wiring to the chart terminal. 

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