10-20-2011 10:46 AM
I web published two vis i.e. a.vi, b.vi, corresponding to a.html and b.html respectively.
I have a button in a.vi, click to open URL of b.html, it works fine on the server computer,. but when I open a.html on a client computer and click the button, it always open the browser on the sever computer but not on the client.
how can I do?
I tried both Open URL.vi and IWebBrowser ActiveX, they gave me same result.
great thanks for your help.
10-20-2011 11:42 AM
Use System Exec.vi to call a web browser of your choice and pass in the URL?
If you use something other than IE, you'll need to make sure that browser's installed.
Also, the file paths between XP and W7 are probably different, may need to query what opsystem the workstation's running and build the system exec string accordingly.
10-20-2011 01:57 PM
Thanks for your reply. But it still only open the broswer on the server not on the client.
10-26-2011 05:46 PM
Hi Eric,
Since the vi is actually running on the host computer, not the viewing computer, it makes sense that any programmatic command to open a browser would execute on the host.
I'd suggest using a string indicator to give the url. The user can then copy (ctrl-c) and paste into another browser tab.
Luke B.
10-28-2011 08:19 AM
yes, you are right. the command of remote front panel can only worked on host computer.
Already solved this problem by using combind web service and remote front panel.
Thank you.
11-27-2012 04:25 AM
Caan you give any suggestions on how you did it?
11-27-2012 05:13 AM
Well he hasn't been active in the forum for quite a time now.
Can anyone suggest on how to open an URL on the client computer?
12-11-2012 12:53 AM
How to open up or save a file which is stored in server computer in the client computer?
12-12-2012 09:54 AM
Please refer to this link:
Carmen C.
12-13-2012 12:46 AM
The publishing of VI has already been done.
There is a VI which gathers some data and stores it in a file. Now that file is stored in the server, (which should be the case), what I want is how will the client be able to save the file or open it?
As of now what I have done is, given a path indicator and have written some instructions which tells the client to copy the path and paste it in the browser, so by that way the client gets the file.
What I want is when the client presses the stop button the file should programmatically get saved in the client computer.
Is it possible? Or just copying the path is the way to do it?