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oscillscope project

Hi I am new to Labview , and I have a project to do using oscillscope , should i know how the oscill work before i proceed ? if yes can u give me some websites to start with ? thank you
LV 8.2
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Message 1 of 401

What exactly do you need to do with an oscilloscope?
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 401

It is generally a good idea to know the instruments that you'll be working with.

You will need to know things such as:

1.  How will you communicate with the instrument?  (GPIB, Serial, Ethernet, USB)

2.  Is the instrument a physical standalone one (communicate as above), or is it a PCI card (or other PC, PXI, card level unit)?

3.  What measurements will you be making with the instrument?  (voltage level, frequency, etc)?

4.  Will masks or levels be used to determine outcome of a test?

Can you provide more description of your project and how you plan to use the scope?


Message 3 of 401
Thank you guys , I did not get my project yet ...I will have it the next meeting I do , I will let you know when i start  🙂 Thx guys
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 401
1)what I know for now is that My Ni cDaq-9172 is connected to my pc using USB and it works fine.
2)I Have an analog module connected to my instrument
3) i dont have a generator yet but this is what i am gonna use to simulate my signal from the oscill and display the voltage + frequency + 4 channels on my LV front panel 🙂
so basicaly it is the same thing as what oscill does but i need it in LV ....i dont want a sol from u guys because i wanna learn but what do u suggest me a start ???
Thank you soo much
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 401
Well, you could start by looking at the "Two Channel Oscilloscope" example that ships with LabVIEW. Open the Example Finder (Help -> Find Examples), and search for "scope". The VI works by simulating two signals, but you can replace this with the data acquisition collection from your DAQ. There's plenty of examples on how to to that in the Example Finder.
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 401
hello again , i have 2 modules NI9205 (Analog input ) and NI 9263 (Analog output) whcin one i have to use to simulate an oscilloscope signal ? on cDAQ-9172
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 401
UMMM I found out zat it is the NI 9205 🙂 right ? ok now how can i connect my Generator "Generateur" to 4 ch in this module ?
I appreciate ur help
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 401
I have no idea what you mean by this:
how can i connect my Generator "Generateur" to 4 ch in this module
Can you rephrase that?

As far as connections, the analog input module would be the one that operates in the same was as a scope. Clearly, you need to provide some sort of input to it. You can provide an external signal or you can feed it one of the outputs from the analog output module. Which way you do it is up to you, and what seems easier to you. Alternatively, you can use simulated DAQmx devices and write your code that way. You can add simulated devices in MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer). Read the documentation on how to do that.
Message 9 of 401
my module has 32 channels as u know , i wanna simulate 4 signals so i have to connnect 4 channels between my module and my signal generator (oscilloscope) right ?
Do u have any example in how to implement such a situation , i wanna simulate a signal coming from oscilloscope and see the voltage and frequency on a graph ??
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 401