07-08-2008 04:56 PM - edited 07-08-2008 04:56 PM
Very nice Dennis.
Much cleaner than what I was proposing. Thanks 🙂
07-08-2008 07:42 PM
Hi Dennis , long time 🙂 thank god u are not mad at me!! Btw i did like the idea , very nice but when u say place it at the begining , that means
at the begining of my MaintoFile.vi ? must be wire to any thing ? ....and how that's works lol ? i know it has 10 channels , when the status is on and emg is checked so that means i am measuring emg ? how the channel could eb physical here ? i dont want it dev/.....i want Daqmx/ai0 , 1 , 2 like that !!! what the type controller for ?
too many questions i know sorry !!!
07-08-2008 07:59 PM
I was never mad (well maybe a little). I just wanted to see some actual contribution on your part. I still haven't seen any and that is one of the reasons I left it up to you to do the integration of this with the existing code. Of course it needs to be wired up. I know I could do in about 30 minutes but what would the point of that be?
In case you haven't looked or maybe you don't understand what you have, but there are two types of channels in the program. The channels you have hooked up as EMG go through the filter VI and the ones hooked up as Force do not. They are the ones being displayed on two different graphs. You have to differentiate somehow. Did that not occur to you when you asked for the 'student' to have the abiltiy to select x number of channels?
NO, you do not want DAQmx/ai0.. That is not what you have now and is absolutely incorrect syntax. If you don't beleive me, look at the physical channel control. Do you really see DAQmx/ there and not Dev1/?
07-09-2008 09:09 AM
07-09-2008 09:52 AM - edited 07-09-2008 09:59 AM
Well, in case you don't understand, only the users with a 'blue' user name, work for NI. Everyone else participates on these forums on a volunteer basis and have to take time (sometimes quite a bit) away from our paying job. We like to help but in general, we don't want to do all of the work for someone unless we get paid for doing all of the work for someone. I can appreciate the predicament that you are in but did you really expect to pick up a brand new progamming language in a matter of days and complete a pretty complex project? What you or the adminstration should have done, was post to the Jobs board.
p.s. Looking back at your posting history, you first posted on 5/20. Thats a lot more than a few days to pick up some of the basics.
07-09-2008 10:05 AM
07-09-2008 10:16 AM - edited 07-09-2008 10:19 AM
07-09-2008 12:10 PM
07-10-2008 08:10 AM
07-10-2008 08:48 AM